
HomeNews1 Mil. EUR for Romanian Companies

1 Mil. EUR for Romanian Companies

POR 2.2 is relaunched!

The Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration has launched a call for projects within the Regional Operational Program, Priority Axis 2, Specific Objective 2 – Supporting the creation and extension of advanced production capacities and the development of services.

The development regions in which financing can be requested within the call are:

  • South East;
  • South Muntenia;
  • South West Oltenia.

This call is a competitive one with a timely submission. All the financing applications submitted between 04. May 2020 – 04. June 2020 and which have obtained at least 75 points are eligible for the evaluation stages of the managing authorities.


The applicant must be a company that falls into the category of SMEs in the urban area, or medium-sized enterprises in the rural area. The company must meet the following minimum eligibility conditions:

  • employees: 3 – 249;
  • Profit from exploitation in the year before the year of the application;
  • Experience: at least one full fiscal year, without suspended activity.


The total budget of the call is EUR 84.58 mil. with the following allocation on the eligible regions:

Development region

Budget (mil. EURO)

South East


South Muntenia


South West Oltenia


Financing intensity and grant

Good news for companies that want to access this financing line. The level of maximum aid intensity remains very high, both for SMEs and for medium-sized enterprises in rural areas. Thus, we have the following intensities according to the graphs below:

The actions funded by this call

  • Construction or extension of production / service spaces;
  • Endowment with tangible, intangible assets, including marketing instruments online;

The main categories of eligible expenses are:

  • expenses for construction, extension of production / provisioning services and installations;
  • equipment endowments, technological equipment including specific equipment for obtaining energy savings;
  • expenses for land development;
  • expenses for ensuring the utilities necessary for the objective;
  • expenses for design and technical assistance;
  • expenses with advertising activities;
  • expenses with external financial audit activities.

For more details, you can download a presentation of the program by clicking here and a list of eligible domains by clicking here!

It doesn’t cost you anything to find out if you are eligible! Start a project with non-reimbursable funds and grow your business! To initiate this process, contact us by clicking here!


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